We are The Boulton Group Limited trading as Floluxury. (“We”, “us” and “our”) of Boulton House, Southmere Court, Crewe, CW1 6GU. In these Booking Conditions references to “you” and “your” include the first named person on the booking and all persons on whose behalf a booking is made or any other person to whom a booking is transferred. A ‘package’ and ‘lack of conformity’ have the same meaning as in the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 and ‘arrangements’ are all the holiday, tour and other arrangements detailed on your confirmation (including any additions or amendments).
Accuracy of information
We endeavour to ensure the accuracy of all the information and prices in our advertising material. However, occasionally changes and errors do arise, and we reserve the right to correct them in such circumstances. You must check the current price and all other information relating to the arrangements that you wish to book before your booking is confirmed. We will not be liable for booking errors which are attributable to you, or which are caused by unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances as defined in clause 9.
You will receive information about the main characteristics of your package arrangements before a binding agreement between you and us comes into existence. That information, these conditions together with our Privacy Policy and any other written information we brought to your attention before we confirmed your booking, form the basis of your contract with us. Please read them carefully as they set out our respective rights and obligations. By making a booking, you agree to be bound by all of them. The key terms of our agreement are:-
Key terms
Our agreement incorporating these terms and conditions and the information detailed in the first paragraph of this clause becomes binding when we issue a confirmation. Please check all details on the confirmation (or any other document issued) immediately on receipt. It may not be possible to make changes to your arrangements later so you should notify us of any inaccuracies in any documentation within ten days of our sending it out. It may harm your rights if you don’t.
The suppliers whose services make up your arrangements make those supplies in accordance with their own terms and conditions which will also form part of your agreement with us. Some of these terms and conditions may limit or exclude the supplier’s liability to you, usually in accordance with applicable International Conventions. Copies of the relevant parts of these terms and conditions are available on request from ourselves or the supplier concerned.
You must make payment for your arrangements in accordance with the instructions we give you. If we do not receive any payment due in full and on time, we reserve the right to treat your booking as cancelled by you in which case the cancellation charges set out in clause 7 below will become payable.
It is a condition of our agreement that you are covered by adequate travel insurance for your arrangements. Such insurance as a minimum must cover your losses sustained as a result of cancellation, medical issues, and repatriation in the event of accident or illness. Your travel insurance should also include cover against any COVID[1]19 issues or incidents which may affect your booking. If you choose to travel without adequate insurance cover, we will not be liable for any of your losses howsoever arising, in respect of which insurance cover would otherwise have been available.
Details of a Travel Insurance Intermediary that may be able to assist you with arranging a policy appropriate to your needs is available by contacting “SunWorld Travel Insurance” on 0800 389 5904. SunWorld Travel Insurance is a trading name of David Oliver Associates, an Appointed Representative of DOA Underwriting Ltd who are Authorised & Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FRN 772309. Full details can be found online in the FCA Register or by contacting the FCA on 0800 111 6768. floluxury do not receive any commission and are purely providing this information on an incidental basis should any customers need to source Travel Insurance for their trip. Other Travel Insurance Intermediaries may also be able to assist.
Special requests relating to your arrangements must be advised to us at the time of booking and confirmed to us in writing. Whilst we will try meet or arrange your reasonable special requests, we cannot guarantee that they will be fulfilled. If we are able to specifically confirm a special request or requirement, we will do so on our confirmation but where requests or requirements have not been so confirmed in writing on our confirmation, a failure to meet them will not be a breach of contract on our part.
You acknowledge that you are choosing to travel at a time where you may be exposed to the COVID-19 virus. You also acknowledge that you must comply with all advice and guidance issued by relevant governments and health authorities. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure your safety and may require you to follow additional safety protocols on your trip. We use information from government foreign departments and reports from local suppliers in assessing how your itinerary should operate. However, it is also your own responsibility to acquaint yourself with all relevant travel information, including applicable health risks, and the nature of your itinerary. You also acknowledge that certain countries may impose vaccination, testing, quarantine or self[1]isolation measures upon travellers, whether in the place of destination or upon return. If this occurs in your destination, we will provide you with such reasonable assistance as we are able to in the circumstances, however, we will not be responsible for meeting any costs incurred by you or for refunding or compensating you for the curtailment of your holiday, cancelled or rebooked transportation, additional accommodation or other associated costs you incur in connection with the same.
We strongly recommend that you familiarise yourself with the advice from your national authority for overseas travel before departing. In the UK, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s latest advice for travel to other countries is available here https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice.
You agree to notify us immediately if you test positive for COVID-19 at any time after you make your booking with us, if you consider that you may have COVID-19 symptoms or if you become aware that you may have come into close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or who may have COVID-19 symptoms. We may share this information with the relevant suppliers making up your booking in accordance with the terms of our privacy policy.
If you notify us before travelling, and we (or the relevant supplier) conclude that you are no longer able to travel because of the COVID-19 risk, then your booking will be treated as having been cancelled by you and our standard cancellation charges will apply.
We both agree that the measures set out above are a necessary part of keeping you, other travellers, employees and the public safe on holiday. You are making your booking in full knowledge that such measures are likely to be a part of your holiday and do not amount to significant changes to your booking, nor do they amount to a lack of conformity.
We shall have no liability to you for any refunds, compensation, losses, costs, expenses or damages you incur in connection with the matters described above or if you are unable to travel or make use of all or part of your booking because of these matters. These are risks which you must protect through obtaining comprehensive travel insurance.
You acknowledge that your decision to travel is made in light of consideration of this information and you accept that you are aware of the personal risks attendant upon such travel. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we accept no liability in relation to these additional risks.
Other health and disability terms
We will give you information about whether the arrangements you have chosen are generally suitable for persons with reduced mobility but if you or any member of your party has any precise medical problem or disability which may affect your chosen arrangements, please provide us with full details before we issue our confirmation. We will only provide precise information on the suitability of the trip or holiday taking into account your needs if you specifically request us to do so. Acting reasonably, if we are unable to properly accommodate your needs, we will not confirm your booking and/or if you did not give us full details at the time of booking, we will treat it as cancelled by you when we become aware of these details.
We reserve the right to amend the price of unsold holiday arrangements at any time and correct errors in the prices of confirmed arrangements.
The price of your confirmed arrangements is subject to variations which occur solely as a direct consequence of changes in:-
(a) the price of the carriage of passengers resulting from the cost of fuel or other power sources;
(b) the level of taxes or fees on your confirmed arrangements imposed by third parties not directly involved in the performance of the package, including tourist taxes, landing taxes or embarkation or disembarkation fees at ports and airports; or
(c) the exchange rates relevant to the package.
Price variations will be calculated by applying the cost differential we experience as a result of the above factors. Prices may go up or down and we will notify you about any variation by sending you a calculation explaining the variation no less than 20 days before you are due to depart.
If your arrangements are a package, and if that means that you have to pay an increase of more than 8% of the price of your arrangements (excluding any insurance premiums, amendment charges and/or additional services), we will offer you the options in clause 8.
If prices go down as a result of the above factors, we will make a reflective refund, but we will also deduct our administrative expenses from what is owed to you and this may extinguish the value of the refund due.
Also, note that travel arrangements are not always purchased in local currency and some apparent changes have no impact on price due to contractual protections in place.
If you wish to make any changes to your arrangements after they have been confirmed, including if you wish to cancel all or some of them, you must inform us in writing as soon as possible and no later than 72 hours before the date of travel. Your notice requesting a change or cancellation will only take effect when it is received in writing by us at our offices and will be effective from the date on which we receive it. We can’t guarantee that changes can be met, although we will do our best to assist. Since we incur costs in cancelling or changing your arrangements, all such changes and cancellations will be subject to the charges below. Where we are unable to assist with making a requested change and you do not wish to proceed with the original booking, we will treat this as a cancellation by you.
You may cancel any package arrangements prior to their commencement (following the process outlined above) in the event that i) circumstances amounting to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances (as set out in clause 9) are occurring at the place where your arrangements are due to be performed or its immediate vicinity and; ii) if the performance of your arrangements will be significantly affected by those unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances. In this event, you will receive a refund without undue delay of any payments made but this the maximum extent of our liability and we regret we cannot meet any other expenses or losses you may incur as a result.
If your arrangements are a package and if any member of your party is prevented from travelling, that person(s) may transfer their place to someone else (introduced by you and satisfying all the conditions applicable to the arrangements, including an agreement to these booking conditions) providing we are notified in writing not less than seven days before departure and you pay an amendment fee and meet all costs and charges incurred by us and/or incurred or imposed by us or any of our suppliers. Both you and the person to whom you would like to transfer your arrangements shall be jointly and severally liable for the payment of any balance due and for any additional fees, charges or other costs arising from the transfer. If you are unable to find a replacement, cancellation charges as set out below will apply in order to cover our estimated costs. Otherwise, no refunds will be given for passengers not travelling or for unused services.
Charges in the event of a cancellation
In the event of a cancellation, you will have to pay the applicable cancellation charges up to the maximum shown below (The cancellation charge detailed is calculated on the basis of the total cost payable by the person(s) cancelling excluding insurance premiums and amendment charges which are not refundable in the event of the person(s) to whom they apply cancelling):-
Cancellation prior to 95 days before the date of travel = loss of deposit;
Cancellation 94 to 60 days before date of travel = 50% of package cost;
Cancellation 59 to 14 days before the date of travel = 75% of package cost;
and Cancellation less than 14 days before the date of travel = 100% of package cost.
In relation to packages which include a cruise of up to 15 days:
Cancellation prior to 95 days before departure = loss of deposit;
Cancellation 94 to 70 days departure = loss of 50% of package cost;
Cancellation 69 to 50 day before departure = loss of 75% of package cost;
and Cancellation less than 49 before departure = loss of 100% of package cost.
Important Note: There will be certain occasions where arrangements may not be amended after they have been confirmed and any alteration or cancellation could incur a cancellation charge of up to 100% of that part of the arrangements in addition to the charge above.
If the reason for your cancellation is covered under the terms of your insurance policy, you may be able to reclaim these charges. We will deduct the cancellation charge(s) from any monies you have already paid to us. IMPORTANT NOTE: CANCELLATION AND Foreign Commonwealth Office (“FCO”) ADVICE AGAINST TRAVEL OR ALL BUT ESSENTIAL TRAVEL DUE TO COVID INFECTIONS
The FCO is currently advising against all but essential travel to a number of travel destinations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is possible that, by the time of your departure, such FCO COVID advice may be in place in respect of your travel destination and a quarantine period may apply upon your return. If your holiday is still operating despite this advice and it is not significantly affected by COVID-19, the cancellation rights described above in this clause will not apply and if you do wish to cancel in these circumstances, the cancellation charges set out in this clause shall continue to apply.
Charges in the event of a change
In the event we can meet your requested change, you will have to pay £50 per person, as well as any applicable rate changes or extra costs incurred as well as any costs incurred by ourselves and any costs or charges incurred or imposed by any of our suppliers.
Note: Certain arrangements may not be amended after they have been confirmed and any alteration or cancellation could incur a charge of up to 100% of that part of the arrangements in addition to the charges above.
Where we refer to a ‘price reduction’ in this clause, we mean that we will give you an appropriate reduction in the price you paid for the arrangements affected for any period during which there was lack of conformity, (unless that lack of conformity is attributable to you). Where we refer to ‘compensation’, we will pay you appropriate compensation without undue delay for any damage which you sustain as a result of any lack of conformity subject to the limitations and exclusions in Section B of clause 12 below.
Changes and cancellations before departure
Most changes will be insignificant, and we reserve the right to make them. If we make an insignificant change to the main characteristics of any package arrangements, we will try to notify the change to you as soon as reasonably possible before your departure, but we will not notify you about any other insignificant change. We will have no other responsibilities to you in respect of any insignificant changes. Examples of “insignificant changes” made before departure include the following:
– A change of outward or inward departure time or overall length of your arrangements of twelve hours or less.
– A change of accommodation to another of the same standard or classification.
Occasionally we may have to make a significant change to your confirmed arrangements and we reserve the right to do so. A significant change is one where we significantly alter any essential element of your arrangements (other than the price) owing to circumstances beyond our control. Examples of “significant changes” made before departure include the following:
– A change of accommodation area for the whole or a significant part of your time away.
– A change of accommodation to that of a lower standard or classification for the whole or a significant part of your time away.
– A change of outward or inward departure time or overall length of your arrangements of twelve hours or more.
– A significant change to your itinerary, missing out one or more destination entirely.
– Where we or our supplier can no longer fulfil any special requirements that we have accepted and confirmed on our confirmation invoice, and this will have a significant impact on your arrangements.
– Where we increase the price of your arrangements by more than 8% of the price of your arrangements (excluding any insurance premiums, amendment charges and/or additional services).
If we have to make a significant change or cancel before departure, we will inform you without undue delay and if there is time to do so before departure, we will offer you the choice of the following options: –
i (for significant changes) agreeing to the changed arrangements,
ii accepting the cancellation or terminating the contract for the arrangements and receiving a refund (without undue delay) of all monies paid; or
iii accepting an offer of alternative arrangements of comparable standard from us, if available.
(In the event that any proposed change or alternative offered results in a reduction or increase in the price you have agreed to pay or an increase or decrease in the quality of arrangements we have agreed to provide, we will also notify you of any price reduction or additional amount due).
You must notify us of your choice within 7 days of our offer. If you fail to do so, we will contact you again, re[1]iterating the above choices and sums payable or refundable and if you again fail to respond within 7 days, we may terminate the contract and refund all payments made by you without undue delay.
Subject to the exceptions detailed below and where your arrangements are a package, we will where appropriate, pay you reasonable compensation, subject to the limitations and exclusions in section B of clause 12. The compensation that we offer does not exclude you from claiming more if you are entitled to do so. We will not pay you compensation where:-
We will not make a price reduction or pay you compensation; and the above options will not be available where:-
Changes and cancellations to package arrangements after departure
If we become unable to provide a significant proportion of your package arrangements after you have departed, we will try to offer you suitable alternative arrangements of, where possible, equivalent or higher quality than those specified in the contract. If the alternative arrangements we make are of a lower quality than those you originally booked, we will make a price reduction. Where our original agreement included return transport we will also provide you with equivalent transport back to your place of departure without undue delay or additional cost. You may reject the proposed alternative arrangements only if they are not comparable to what we originally promised to provide or if the price reduction we offer is inadequate. Where we are unable to make suitable alternative arrangements or you reject the proposed alternative arrangements in accordance with this clause, where appropriate and only where your arrangements are a package, we will pay you compensation subject to Section B of clause 12 below.
Where we are unable to ensure your return from a package as agreed because of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances defined in clause 9, we will bear the cost of necessary accommodation if possible of equivalent category for a period not exceeding (a) 3 nights per traveller (exceptions apply in respect of persons with reduced mobility and people travelling with them, pregnant women and unaccompanied minors, as well as persons in need of specific medical assistance, provided that we have been notified of their particular needs at least 48 hours before the start of the package); or (b) where a different period is specified in any passenger rights legislation applicable to the relevant means of transport for your return, for the period specified in that legislation.
The above sets out the maximum extent of our liability for changes and cancellations and we regret we cannot meet any other expenses or losses you may incur as a result of any change or cancellation.
Except where otherwise expressly stated in these booking conditions we will not be liable or pay you a price reduction or compensation if our contractual obligations to you are affected by unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances beyond the control of the party who seeks to rely on them which we or the supplier(s) of the service(s) in question could not avoid even if all reasonable measures had been taken. These events can include, but are not limited to war, threat of war, civil strife, terrorist activity and its consequences or the threat of such activity, riot, the act of any government or other national or local authority including port or river authorities, industrial dispute, lock closure, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, chemical or biological disaster and adverse weather, sea, ice and river conditions and all similar events outside our or the supplier(s) concerned control. Advice from the Foreign Commonwealth Office to avoid or leave a particular country may constitute unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances (but note the special notes in these condition regarding COVID 19 and FCO advice).
Assistance to those travelling on a package in the event of difficulty or unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances
Where you have booked a package, we will provide appropriate assistance without undue delay in the event that you experience difficulty including where you are unable to return to your agreed point of departure because of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances as set out in this clause 9. Such assistance will extend to providing appropriate information on health services, local authorities and consular assistance; and helping you to make distance communications and to find alternative travel arrangements. We will charge a reasonable fee for such assistance if the difficulty is caused by you intentionally or as a result of your act or omission. In the event such assistance is needed please email hello@optimum-expereince.co.uk.
If you experience difficulty or lack of conformity during your holiday, please inform us without undue delay so that we can take steps to assist you or put things right. You should also contact us by phone or email as follows: hello@optimum-expereince.com and we will put you in contact with the appropriate local agent. If your complaint remains unresolved and you wish to complain further, please send formal written notice of your complaint to us within 21 days of the end of your arrangements, giving your booking reference and all other relevant information. Failure to follow the procedure set out in this clause may affect ours and the applicable supplier’s ability to investigate your complaint, and could affect your rights under our agreement.
If in our reasonable belief or opinion or in the reasonable belief or opinion of any person in authority, your behaviour is jeopardising the safety of aircraft, people or property therein or good order and discipline on board; or is causing or is likely to cause distress, danger, damage or annoyance to any third party or property, or to cause a delay or diversion to transportation, we reserve the right to terminate your arrangements immediately. In the event of such termination our responsibilities to you will cease and you will be required to leave your accommodation or other service immediately. We will have no further obligations to you and will not meet any expenses, costs or losses incurred as a result. You may also be required to pay for loss and/or damage caused by your actions directly to the applicable supplier prior to departure from the service. If you fail to do so, you will be responsible for meeting any claims and costs subsequently made against us as a result.
Where we refer to a ‘price reduction’ in this clause, we mean that we will give you an appropriate reduction in the price you paid for the arrangements affected for any period during which there was lack of conformity, (unless that lack of conformity is attributable to you). Where we refer to ‘compensation’, we will pay you appropriate compensation without undue delay for any damage which you sustain as a result of any lack of conformity subject to the limitations and exclusions in section B of this clause 12.
Section A. Our responsibilities differ according to what you have booked:
In relation to bookings of Packages
We accept responsibility as an “organiser” under the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018. Subject to these booking conditions, if we fail to arrange or perform your package arrangements in accordance with our agreement, we will remedy any resulting lack of conformity. If that is impossible or entails disproportionate costs (taking into account the extent of the lack of conformity and the value of the arrangements affected), we will instead pay you compensation subject to Section B of this clause.
In relation to all other bookings
We have a duty to select the suppliers of the services making up your booking with us using reasonable skill and care. Except as stated otherwise in these terms, we have no liability to you for the actual provision of the services, except in cases where it is proved that we have breached that duty and damage to you has been caused. Therefore, providing we have selected the suppliers using reasonable care and skill, we will have no liability to you for anything that happens during the service in question or any acts or omissions of the supplier, its employees or agents.
Please note in relation to all bookings:
Section B. Limitations and exclusions of responsibility
In these terms and conditions, our responsibilities are limited, and our duty to pay compensation is limited and excluded as follows:-
We will not be responsible, make a price reduction or pay you compensation for any lack of conformity, injury, illness, death, loss, damage, expense, cost or other claim of any description if it results from:-
(a) the act(s) and/or omission(s) of the person(s) affected;
(b) the act(s) and/or omission(s) of a third party unconnected with the provision of your arrangements and which were unforeseeable or unavoidable; or
(c) Unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances as set out in clause 9.
We will not be responsible, make a price reduction or pay compensation:-
Any price reduction or compensation that is payable will be calculated taking into consideration all relevant factors for example (but not limited to:-
(a) whether or not you have followed the complaints and notifications procedure as described in these conditions. It is a condition of our acceptance of liability under this clause that you notify any claim to ourselves and our supplier(s) strictly in accordance with the complaints procedure set out in these conditions.
(b) the extent to which ours or our employees’ or suppliers’ negligence affected the overall enjoyment of your arrangements.
(c) deduction that we must make to take account of any money which you have received or are entitled to receive from any transport provider or hotelier for the complaint or claim in question.
(Please also note that where any payment is made, the person(s) receiving it (and their parent or guardian if under 18 years) must also assign to ourselves or our insurers any rights they may have to pursue any third party and must provide ourselves and our insurers with all assistance we may reasonably require.)
Luggage or personal possessions and money
The maximum amount we will have to pay you in respect of any claim for loss of and/or damage to any luggage or personal possessions or money is an amount equivalent to the excess on your insurance policy which applies to this type of loss per person in total because you are assumed to have adequate insurance in place to cover any losses of this kind.
Claims covered by an International Convention
When arranging transportation for you, we rely on the terms and conditions contained within any applicable International Conventions. The extent of or the conditions under which compensation is to be paid or liability accepted will in all cases be limited as if we were carriers under the appropriate Conventions. You can ask us for copies of these Conventions.
Any other claims which don’t involve injury, illness, death or damage caused by us or our suppliers intentionally or negligently; or other liability that can’t be limited by law
The maximum amount we will have to pay you in respect of all such claims is three times (twice in the case of arrangements which aren’t packages) the price paid by or on behalf of the person(s) affected in total. This maximum amount will only be payable where everything has gone wrong and you or your party has not received any benefit at all from your arrangements.
This contract and all matters arising out of it are governed by English law. We both agree that any dispute, claim or other matter which arises out of or in connection with this contract or your holiday will be dealt with by the Courts of England and Wales only. You may however, choose the law and jurisdiction of Scotland or Northern Ireland if you live there and wish to do so.
We provide security for flight inclusive packages by way of a bond held by the Civil Aviation Authority under ATOL number 12052. When you buy an ATOL protected flight or flight inclusive holiday from us you will receive an ATOL Certificate. This lists the flight, accommodation, car hire and/or other services that are financially protected, where you can get information on what this means for you and who to contact if things go wrong. Not all holiday or travel services offered and sold by us will be protected by the ATOL Scheme. Please check your ATOL Certificate or ask us to confirm what protection may apply to your booking.
We, or the suppliers identified on your ATOL Certificate, will provide you with the services listed on the ATOL Certificate (or a suitable alternative). In some cases, where neither we nor the supplier are able to do so for reasons of insolvency, an alternative ATOL holder may provide you with the services you have bought (at no extra cost to you). You agree to accept that in those circumstances the alternative ATOL holder will perform those obligations and you agree to pay any money outstanding to be paid by you under your contract to that alternative ATOL holder. However, you also agree that in some cases it will not be possible to appoint an alternative ATOL holder. In which case you will be entitled to make a claim under the ATOL Scheme (or your credit card issuer where applicable).
If we, or the suppliers identified on your ATOL certificate, are unable to provide the services listed (or a suitable alternative, through an alternative ATOL holder or otherwise) for reasons of insolvency, the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust may make a payment to (or confer a benefit on) you under the ATOL scheme. You agree that in return for such a payment or benefit you assign absolutely to those Trustees any claims which you have or may have arising out of or relating to the non-provision of the services, including any claim against us, the travel agent (or your credit card issuer where applicable). You also agree that any such claims may be re-assigned to another body, if that other body has paid sums you have claimed under the ATOL scheme.
If you book arrangements other than a package us, your monies will not be financially protected. Please ask us for further details.
It is your responsibility to check and fulfil the passport, visa, health and immigration requirements applicable to your itinerary. We can only provide general information about this. You must check requirements for your own specific circumstances with the relevant Embassies and/or Consulates and your own doctor as applicable. Requirements do change and you must check the up to date position in good time before departure. Most countries now require passports to be valid for at least 6 months after your return date. If your passport is in its final year, you should check with the Embassy of the country you are visiting. For further information contact the Passport Office on 0870 5210410 or visit www.passport.gov.uk Up to date travel advice can be obtained from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, visit www.fco.gov.uk Non British passport holders, should obtain up to date advice on passport and visa requirements from the Embassy, High Commission or Consulate of your destination or country(ies) through which you are travelling. We do not accept any responsibility if you cannot travel, or incur any other loss because you have not complied with any passport, visa, immigration requirements or health formalities. You agree to reimburse us in relation to any fines or other losses which we incur as a result of your failure to comply with any passport, visa, immigration requirements or health formalities.
We are required to advise you of the carrier(s) (or, if the carrier(s) is not known, the likely carrier(s)) that will operate your flight(s) at the time of booking. Where we are only able to inform you of the likely carrier(s) at the time of booking, we shall inform you of the identity of the actual carrier(s) as soon as we become aware of this. Any change to the operating carrier(s) after your booking has been confirmed will be notified to you as soon as possible. We are not always in a position at the time of booking to confirm the aircraft type and flight timings which will be used in connection with your flight. The flight timings and types of aircraft shown on our website, in this brochure and detailed on your confirmation invoice are for guidance only and are subject to alteration and confirmation. The latest timings will be shown on your tickets. You must accordingly check your tickets very carefully immediately on receipt to ensure you have the correct flight times. It is possible that flight times may be changed even after tickets have been dispatched – we will contact you as soon as possible if this occurs. Any change in the identity of the carrier, flight timings, and/or aircraft type will not entitle you to cancel or change to other arrangements without paying our normal charges except where specified in these conditions. If the carrier with whom you have a confirmed reservation becomes subject to an operating ban as above as a result of which we/ the carrier are unable to offer you a suitable alternative the provisions of clause 8 (Changes and cancellation by us) will apply.
Under the Denied Boarding Regulation (EU 261/2004) and the Air Passenger Rights and Air Travel Organisers’ Licencing (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (APR Regulations), if you have been denied boarding, your flight has been cancelled or it has been significantly delayed, it is the airline’s duty to look after you. This means providing food, drinks, and some communications. If you are delayed overnight, this also means a hotel and travel to and from it. Full details of these rights will be publicised at EU airports and will also be available from airlines. We have no liability to you in these circumstances whatsoever and your claim for this assistance and any compensation must be made directly to the airline. Liability of an airline under EU 261/2004 or the APR Regulations will not automatically entitle you to a refund of your holiday price from us. If, for any reason, you do not claim against the airline and make a claim for compensation from us, you must, at the time of payment of any compensation to you, make a complete assignment to us of the rights you have against the airline in relation to the claim that gives rise to that compensation payment.
We cannot accept liability for any delay which is due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances as set out in clause 9. A delay to or cancellation of your transport service does not automatically entitle you to cancel any other arrangements even where those arrangements have been made in conjunction with your transport. However, you may be entitled to claim under the delay section of your travel insurance policy.